4 km NW of the city center/U3 Station: Olympia Center, area: 150 ha. The park was laid out for the occasion of the 1972 Olympics. Behnisch and Partners did the stadium architecture. Günther Grzimek took over the job of planning the green areas, focusing mostly on an ambitious analysis and a rational approach. Artistic reflections hardly play a role, although connections to the traditions of a Friedrich Ludwig von Sckell (English Garden in Munich) cannot be denied. The facility consists of two parts. The northern, including Olympia Lake, is dominated by the roof construction of the sports sites. The garden area faces south towards a noticeably progressive drop in quality, both in regards to appearance and maintenance. Repair of problem areas (see the peak of the Olympia Mount) is absolutely necessary. However, a representative interpretation could enhance the status of the park compared with the attractive future neighborhood (BMW Museum, residential areas).
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